…this site still exists!?

Hey all,

Wow, what a crazy year 2009 was! A baby, two movies, a game cinematic, and a 1300 mile drive from LA to Vancouver!  Sorry for not updating sooner, it’s just one of those things that gets pushed down the priority list as life gets more crazy… or I get more tired… either way, SORRY!!! I’m really going to try and stick with it and give more love to my site.

So where to start… hmmm…  2012 was awesome to see in theaters! I’m so proud to have worked on that movie, the FX turned out AMAZING! Congrats to all involved! It’s too bad we didn’t make the Academy Award list! I was hoping!  … congrats to the other movies though, they deserve it! Avatar was such an amazing experience, it was literally mind blowing. I’m still in awe when I think about that movie. District 9 — with that budget they produced some uber bad-ass VFX! It was so fun to watch (especially the second 1/2!).Star Trek — what an awesome re-vitalization to the series.  I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better year in movies!

Next up — as some of you know I worked on New Moon with Prime Focus (yeah yeah… I know…), and had a great experience doing some CG Water  / Ocean stuff. I then worked with Blur again for a bit on Transformers: War for Cybertron., and now, as it turns out I’m in Vancouver this time with Prime Focus on another feature (can’t tell you what though!).

….and one last bit… I said earlier that I was going to start spending more time with Houdini, and I have! Mostly fluids (since they’re so fun!) …here’s what I’ve been up to:







P.S… gonna try and update my reel soon… gotta get windows working again first though! (…and on another side note, Ubuntu rules!)

2012 Trailer!

It’s FINALLY HERE!!!!  The trailer for 2012 can be found here. Make sure you click the “HD” button.  Major Props to all the hard work everybody has put into this.  I didn’t do much on this trailer,  in this screenshot all I did was the ground, though my tools were used A LOT, especially for the cars (mostly asset import / export).  🙂  Enjoy!


Finally, an update!

Hey everybody, I know it’s been a while since I posted on my site, and I had a few minutes, so here I am!  I’ve been super busy with work, and the baby …and moving, so it’s been pretty hard to get the time / motivation to get on here. So, work is going pretty good… we’re chuggin’ right along. I’m really excited about this movie! Can’t wait to see it on the big screen. (I’m talking about 2012 for those who don’t know).  You all have to go see it when it comes out (or else!)

For those of you who know me personally, the baby is doing really well, he’s super healthy, super happy, and super fun! He’s growing and learning a lot even in just the 3 months that’s he been on the outside world! I could go on for a while talking about how awesome being a dad is, but I won’t bore you all.  My Friend Sean and Amy came down for a bit, and man was that a good weekend! We had so much fun, and I actually fired up the Turntables just for the occasion… me and Sean tore it up! =)    You should definetly check out his music @ http://www.sliptide.com and http://www.silverstandardmusic.com/music.php

So, I know this is kind of old news now, but I made the front page of CGTalk with my reel! Man, what an honor that was! Thanks to everybody that commented! It was really cool having my website go from a few visits to like 3000 in one day. =)  Also, I’ve gotta give lots of love and thanks to the peeps at Blur for the reel! Thanks Again!!!

…and one last thing… I’ve been playing more with Houdini lately, and man am I starting to fall in love. This program is pretty amazing, and I’m finally starting to get the hang of it since I’ve been staying up late just to play with it! I’ll try to start posting WIP stuff that I do with it.  I’m also going to try and do some Maxscripts that I’ve been meaning to do for a while… specifically revamping / continuing a certain layer manager (The Onion 2) from Blur. They got busy with other stuff and couldn’t quite finish it. The version in the Blurbeta package is pretty close to done, but even then I think it’ll still be a lot of work, more importantly a fun challenge for me.

That’s it for now!

Demo Reel – 2008 / Happy New Year!

So I finally finished it! It was almost done for the longest time, but now everything on the reel is finally out of NDA.  The reel is comprised solely of my time at Blur, though there’s quite a bit of stuff I can’t put in there yet. Special thanks to my friends at Blur! Enjoy!

Portfolio Page

Happy New Year by the way! I can’t believe 2008 has come and passed already.  I’ve learned a lot over the past year, and can’t wait to see what 2009 brings. I especially look forward to meeting my son, Keian Russell Farnsworth, whom I should be meeting any day now! Can’t freakin’ wait!

I hope you all have a great year!

And so it begins!

Well, I know my site is new and I haven’t updated it in a while, so here goes a new post!  After a year and 3 or so months at Blur I have moved on.  I’ve learned a lot at Blur and am so grateful to have worked there, but alas all things must come to an end. I’m now working for Uncharted Territory on the new Roland Emmerich film, 2012. I can’t give away any of the details, but to put it lightly, this movie is gonna be a VFX Extravaganza, and I’m extremely excited to be a part of it.  Luckily it’s not that far from Blur, so I won’t have to move or anything. We’re actually borrowing some space on the Sony Lot in Culver City… it’s a pretty nice office!

I might be adding my demo reel pretty soon. I have to take some stuff out of the reel before I can make it public, or I can just wait until Fable 2 comes out. I’ll probably just wait unless people start bugging me to put something up. We’ll see.  Also, I’ll be replacing the banner for the site in a few minutes… not sure what I”m gonna throw up there quite yet.

One last thing to leave you with… I didn’t work on this particular cinematic, but thought I’d share some more of Blur’s awesome work with you!:  Halo Wars

Scripts Added / Portfolio Updated

I just added two scripts to the Script page, and will be adding more later. I added Fume Source Manager, and MatCleaner.  The Fume source manager has saved me SOOOOO much time in setting up fume sims off of reactor sims where we have lots of objects that need to emit smoke and such.  The MatCleaner is really helpful in cleaning out the materials in a scene. I usually don’t need textures on anything but my fx, so this saves a lot of time clearing out materials / assign fx matte to all the objects in a scene (including hidden objects)

I also added Tabula Rasa and Ironman to the Portfolio section… =)

Portfolio Updated

Wow, this website thing is coming along a lot quicker and easier than I had imagined. I’ve done this stuff before, but it seems a lot easier this time around.

Anyways, I added two links in the portfolio page, and will add more tomorrow after I get some sleep. I added Tomb Raider Underworld, and Halo Wars for now.  I’ll add Marvel Kids: Ironman and and Tabula Rasa and whatever else I can tomorrow.